The five service pups I've raised...

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Francie Fantastic

Are you a Francie Fan?

You may just be after you see this new service puppy that Lyn and I will be raising for Canine Companions for Independence for the next 16 months. She is A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E as only a golden retriever/black lab pup could be! Hard to fathom that something so tiny and uncoordinated will grow into a well-mannered companion, helping someone live a life more fully.

There are also some photos of her sister Fay whom she travelled with, down from CCI National located in Santa Rosa, CA. Fay's puppy raiser parents are in Murrietta so the sisters will get to see each other from time to time.

Here's Kerry, my release COC (change of career) girl with her new little sister.

Lyn kept Francie for her first night and will keep her through Tuesday. I will then take over for the following four days. We'll alternate and also swap around as our calendars require. Francie will benefit from exposure to two home environment and twice the love!

Francie is generally quiet and settles right down in her crate for nap times. She pretty much eats all her kibble leaving just a few nuggets at each meal.

She LOVES her two big sisters (my Kerry III, age 7) and her "sis" Aunt Ronie (age 3.5) at Lyn's home. Franice's favorite toy is a squeaky stuffed green bone that has fuzzy on one end. She also adores a long purple snake! She just loves to "attack" these. She is favoring carrying her leash and we will naturally discourage this. But what a face! I just adore her and am so happy to again be raising another pup for CCI. It will be a fun journey and Lyn and I will enjoy sharing it.
Here is a darling video of Francie playing in her CCI playpen after arriving in Oceanside at the SW regional campus. Welcome little Francie, we love you already and know your "Francie Fans" will grow in number as people fall for you!

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