The five service pups I've raised...

Friday, May 1, 2009

"Anne of Green Gables"

Dad, Linda and I went to the debut opening of my church's play, "Anne of Green Gables". I never read the book but Linda said she adored the series as a young girl and they were every bit as popular then as the Harry Potter books are today. Imagine.
I enjoyed the innocence of the story of a young, precocious orphan, desperate for a home and family of her own.

I worked with the play's producer to create the stage set and did painting and props. So it was fun to see the finished product tonight since much of the play took place in the parlour of an 1800 century farm house in Prince Edward Island. Here is the stage set:

It was a nice Friday evening. The performers did well and the production was a success. Having myself been in the Christmas production at church and a nervous wreck trying to commit my lines to memory for a 5 minute piece, I marvel at the actors that can remember their lines for a 90 minute show. Bravo!

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