The five service pups I've raised...

Friday, February 25, 2011

One week ago today....

Welcome Yarrow!
Yarrow with big brother Young who will be raised in Orange County so, easy access for puppy play dates for Yarrow & Young. :D)

On the rainy drive home from CCI

I picked up Yarrow II, my 6th puppy to raise for Canine Companions. She is so tiny -I am always surprised and marvel and just how little they start out. AND this one, I've had the blessing of following on Facebook from the breeder/caretaker's wonderful videos and pics from the day Yarrow was born.

One of 11 (yes, 11!) puppies = Golden Retrieve Momma named Keara who is the gentlest of souls and Pappa either Hickman - a black lab or Camden -a blond lab.

WELCOME little Yarrow. Co-raiser Linda had you for week 1 and tomorrow begins my first FULL week with you. My arms are open as is my heart!

Yarrow explores one of her kitchens...


Elijah said...

I like the name! My friend here in Ohio is raising Yarrow's brother, Yaxley.

How Sam Sees It said...

Too cute!


Lisa and pups said...

Welcome to Yarrow!