The five service pups I've raised...

Monday, February 15, 2010

"The Art of Racing in the Rain"

There's a stellar book called "The Art of Racing in the Rain" by Garth Stein. It's a best seller and is going to be made in to a movie. But interestingly, it almost was never published because it's written from the perspective of a dog. A wonderfully charming dog named Enzo.

I highly recommend you read it if you want a completely fun and captivating read.

Well Garth, the author was recently local doing a reading in La Jolla at Warwicks' Bookstore.

Here is little Miss Francie sweetly doing a "lap" with Mr. Stein.

I can't wait to read more of his books now that I've "gotten to know him". His work is quite compelling and he was so fascinating, listening to him reading his story. His voice truly became Enzo's as he read.
I wonder who will be the voice for Enzo in the film...

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